Why Your Family Will Love a Farm Stay Vacation

Mucking out horse stalls and milking cows may not sound like your ideal vacation, but maybe it should. City dwellers and suburbanites overwhelmed with electronic doo-dads, social media connectivity, and information overload are seeking a simpler way of life, if only for a few days or weeks at a time. Meanwhile, farmers, unable to pay the bills without some form of supplemental income, are throwing open the barn doors to welcome guests onto their farmsteads. The symbiotic result is a farm stay vacation.

Why Book a Family Farm Stay Vacation
Why Book a Family Farm Stay Vacation (Photo credit: Melissa Carol)

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Vacation to Unplug

My family desperately needed a farm stay vacation. After a weeklong parent-imposed break from technology, my then 8-year-old son was again allowed to play with his iPad and our old “kids” computer. That night, he struggled to fall asleep and told me it was because he kept thinking about video games.

He said, “I don’t want to play with technology anymore, but I can’t stop myself. I can’t quit, even when I want to. It’s like some grownups with cigarettes. Sometimes I wish we could just get rid of technology. I think our family would be happier without it.”

Of course, he forgot all about this conversation the next day when he was begging to play video games again. Still, his wise words made me long to book a family farm stay as a forced but fun way to unplug. I told him about this vacation option, and he said, “Have you ever done one of those farm stays?”

“No,” I said, “but I wrote an article about it a few years ago and interviewed farm owners and lots of people who love farm stay vacations.”

I did a web search for my TODAY Show Travel article and discovered it had been deleted from Today.com. So, I found the story on my computer and read it out loud to my son. At first, he was wary about the “work” portion of a working farm stay, but after listening to the story, he said, “I want to help on the farm! When can we go?

Why Book a Family Farm Stay Vacation
Leaping Lamb Farm guest Lily Bouchard playing with lambs during her family farm stay vacation (Photo credit: Scottie Jones)

Continuing from the top paragraph, here’s my original farm stay article, with a few updates.

Change of Perspective

Tara Anderson, a mom of two from Chico, California, had a tough time convincing her husband to take an 8-hour drive with their two young daughters to the Leaping Lamb Farm in Alsea, Oregon, one summer. But after a few days of breathing in the fresh coastal air, collecting eggs from the chicken coop for omelets, and sweeping out the barn, he told his wife, “This is the best.”

The Andersons hope to return to Leaping Lamb Farm someday for its green expanse of meadows and the bleating of baby lambs. It’s a place where, as Tara put it, “You really feel like things are growing.”

She said, “My kids are naturally drawn to gadgets, and I have to strictly monitor their screen time. When we were there, not once did they ask to turn the TV on.”

Educational Experience for Kids

Families gain more than just relaxation from farm stays. It is an educational experience for children who learn that food does not naturally come shrink-wrapped in plastic. Scottie Jones, owner of Leaping Lamb Farm, believes an understanding of what goes into making food will lead to better nutrition decisions and eating habits for families.

Jessica Bowers, author of SuitcasesandSippyCups.com, has done two farm stays with her four sons. She said, “We’re city dwellers, and even though we try to make connections to nature, my kids could very easily be convinced that food grows in the grocery store. Gathering eggs first thing in the morning, milking goats, picking greens and spices for us to cook dinner with, helped them to make connections to where our food really starts.”

Help feeding the animals at Leaping Lamb Farm
Lucy Bloom building confidence while feeding the animals at Leaping Lamb Farm (Photo credit: Joanna Bloom)

Farm Chores on Vacation

While farm stay guests are not required to help out with chores, many do. Valeria Pitoni of Stillwaters Farm in Western Tennessee said, “Guests are allowed to participate in the day’s farm activities if they desire, but they are in no way obligated to.” Daily activities on her exhibition farm vary from grooming animals, weeding a garden, harvesting hay, and witnessing baby births.

Joanna Bloom, a mom from Oregon, makes a trek to Leaping Lamb Farm with her 12-year-old daughter every year. She said, “Farmwork is a natural confidence builder.”

When hosts and guests are asked about their favorite farm activity, the answer is unanimous: bottle-feeding baby farm animals. On some farms, orphaned critters are the only ones who require bottles, but on a dairy farm, calves are taken from mothers shortly after birth, which leads to plenty of feeding opportunities.

View from the flower garden at Leaping Lamb Farm in Alsea, Oregon
View from the flower garden at Leaping Lamb Farm (Photo credit: Colleen Lanin)

A Different Kind of Getaway

Overnight stays on a farm differ from spending the night at a traditional bed and breakfast or country inn. There is actual work that needs to be done on these farms, which makes a visit more meaningful for many travelers.

“When I first started hosting farm stays 28 years ago, I thought I was a B&B. I learned very quickly it’s not about the pillows, it’s about the cows,” said Beth Kennett of Liberty Hill Farm in Vermont.

How to Find a Farm Stay for Your Family

There are unique stays to suit a variety of preferences, from dairy or lamb farms to apple orchards and vineyards, to working ranches with horseback riding and cattle drives. To find the best farm stay for your family, visit FarmStayUS.org.

Our family did book a farm stay! Read about our taste of farm life at Leaping Lamb Farm with kids.

Feeding chickens and ducks at Leaping Lamb Farm in Alsea, Oregon
My kids feeding a flock of chickens and ducks at Leaping Lamb Farm in Alsea, Oregon (Photo credit: Colleen Lanin)

Explore More Nature Adventures

Learn why maple syrup festivals in Canada are a fun and educational treat for all ages.

Find out why you should visit Carlsbad Flower Fields with kids in San Diego County, California.

Discover why visiting Wolfe’s Neck Farm in Freeport, Maine brought tears to my eyes.

For a trip focused on outdoor play and simple pleasures, read about what to do in Big Timber, Montana.

Why Families Love Farm Stay Vacations with Kids

Save These Family Farm Stay Tips

For future reference, keep this article about the benefits of a farm holiday. Simply pin the image above to Pinterest. Go ahead and follow Travel Mamas on Pinterest while you’re at it!

Would you ever consider booking a family farm vacation? Why or why not? Let us know in the comments below!

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  1. I love how this blog captures the balance between modern life and the need to disconnect! Farm stays seem like such a perfect way for families to slow down, reconnect with nature, and take a break from the constant buzz of technology. It’s so interesting how your son’s experience reflects how screen time can really affect us, even at such a young age. Do you have any tips for making these kinds of tech-free getaways more fun for kids, especially those who might initially resist it?

    1. Nanajee – Thank you for your kind words! We talked about this farm stay a lot in advance of going. We set up rules for the whole family: NO TECHNOLOGY AT THE FARM. The only exception to this rule was me taking occasional photos with my iPhone. We let the kids run free on property, as long as they followed the owner’s restriction (no kids alone in the barn) & my restriction (no kids hiking alone up the mountain). They were so happy to be free to explore at will, they never once asked for technology. They fed chickens, played with the mama & baby feinting goats, balanced on the slackline, and pet Paco the miniature donkey. They played outdoor games with each other during the day, and I got the chance to actually call my kids to dinner by yelling out the cottage door. In the evenings, we played board games together as a family. (These were provided by Leaping Lamb Farm but we always travel with at least a deck of cards, too.) This was many years ago and it remains one of my family’s all-time favorite vacation experiences. If you choose the right farm stay, I bet even resistant kids will have a wonderful time!

  2. Looks like so much fun. I’m allergic to sheep, but I’d still do it just to see some baby pigs. My boys would love it so much! We had a blast staying in a cottage of a highland cow farm in Scotland. It was awesome!

    1. Ha! My daughter loves pigs for some reason and the first question she asked when I told her I booked a stay at Leaping Lamb Farm for this summer was, “Will there be pigs?!” I’m pretty sure pigs are really stinky, though. But all baby mammals are so cute!

  3. My daughter did an overnight at a farm for her school last year and LOVED mucking out stalls, chopping wood and cooking in the kitchen. She has actually been saving her allowance to go to the camp they offer there.

    1. Tamara – Oh, that just makes me want to experience a farm stay firsthand even more! We are booking something at the Leaping Lamb Farm for this summer!

  4. Farm stays are so wonderful. I think our kids are so nature deprived I wish more families would do these, though our farm stay in the UK was a disaster (not kid friendly) Back then there was no online review system, which I think makes a huge difference.

    1. Sorry to hear your farm stay in the UK didn’t go over well. I think you’re right about reading online reviews and information beforehand helps families to pick the right farm stay. FarmStayUS.com allows you to sort by all sorts of criteria – including Children Under 12 allowed.

    1. Lyla – I think farm stays would be especially beneficial for city dwelling families like yours! I hope you can give it a go someday!

  5. We’ve been to Leaping Lamb and Liberty Hill, and both are so great, but so different. I’m a huge fan of farm stays!

    1. Amy – How funny that you’ve been to two of the farm stays included in this story. I’m going to have to go search out your reviews!