Contact Colleen Travels Between

Best Way to Contact Me

If you would like to ask a travel question, suggest a story topic, host my travels, or partner with Colleen Travels Between on a campaign, please email me!

Work With Me

Do you have a brand that promotes travel, mindful living, or delicious cuisine? Take a peek at my website and social statistics, view past campaign samples and client feedback, and learn more about working with Colleen Travels Between.

Write for This Travel Site

Thank you for your interest in writing for this travel blog. I am flattered! Currently, I am not hiring contributing writers. Please note: I no longer accept guest posts.

Hire a Trusted Travel Planner

If you want to hire someone to plan your next trip, please fill out this form and my trusted travel planning partner, Ciao Bambino will get back to you ASAP.

Learn More

Find out how I went from a timid kid to an intrepid traveler, why I started this travel blog in 2009, how this site has changed over the years, and more about Colleen Travels Between.